BME I5100: Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modeling
Lucas C. Parra
Course overview and schedule:
1. Introduction
2. Linear Systems, Impulse Response, ARMA filter
3. z-transform, fourier
transform, filter design, circular convolution, sampling
4. Random Variables
5. Jointly Distributed Random Variables
6. Stochastic Processes, Power Spectrum, ARMA model, linear prediction
7. Probablistic Estimation, Harmonic process
8. Linear discrimnation, Single trial detection in EEG/MEG
9. Linear Mixtures, ICA, PCA
10. Kalman Filter, Hidden Markov Model
11. Causal Inference, introduction
12. EEG linear decoding and spatial filtering
Data files:
Heart rate during rest and a Stroop task: hr_rest_stroop.mat
ECG signal: ECG.mat
EMG data measured on tongue muscle: tonguemg.mat
Error Related Negativity & Scalp Data: eeg-ern.mat, scalp.m.
Eye blinks (EEG): EEG.mat
Spike trains: spike.mat
Speech (start the day on the right foot: speech.wav
Sine Frequency Estimate: sinefreq.mat
Local field potentials from hippocampal slice (first channel recorded in CA1, second channel recorded outside the slice as noise reference): gamma.mat
Local field potentials from hippocampal in-vivo recodings (first 60 second are baseling activity, remaining time includes responses to electrical stimulation, time markers indicate start of electrical stimulation): lfp.mat
Bird song recorded in the wild in stereo: bird-stereo.wav
EEG Visual evoked responses: eeg-vep.mat. To display this data you may use topoplot() and this location file. (The version of topotplot() posted here is VERY old, but has the distinct advantage of not requiring enything else other that this one single file. If you want a newer, significantly more complicated version of topoplot you will have to install the complete EEGLAB toolbox from UCSD..)
EEG to analyze apha power: eeg_128Hz.txt (recorded at 128 Hz)
EEG to analyze apha power, 2nd example: alpha.mat
EEG and audio sound files to analyze the response of EEG to sound envelope: audio_eeg.mat
Simulated data to practice idendtifying cause while contolling for condounding: cause_or_confound.mat
Simulated data to practice computing LATE, ITT, PP estimates in RCT with imperfect compliance: LATE_example.mat
Simulated data to practice estimating direction of forcasting using Granger "causality": granger_example.mat
Matlab tutorials: several courses from Mathworks,
and Open Course Work from MIT
Linear Algebra: Open Course Work from MIT
Linear Algebra:
Compact review and nice visualization of liner algebra
Digital Signal Processing: graphic
demonstrations in matlab
Andrew Ng's lectures on machine learning:
videos and
course page.
Geoffrey Hinton's neural networks for machine learning: Coursera class
Digital signals processing: Coursera class
A fair number of good algorithms: netlab (Logistic regression, mixture EM, PCA, ...)
Homework Instructions:
1. Batch LMS ARMA modeling
2. Linear System Responses
3. Source separation